

Daniel Taylor / Theatre of Early Music
Upcoming appearances :

Blue background for TEM performance

Saturday 14 September 2024
7:30 pm
Jack Singer Concert Hall
Arts Commons
205 8 Ave SE
Calgary, AB
Calgary Philharmonic presents
Orff: Carmina Burana

DANIEL TAYLOR countertenor

We are sorry but this event has sold out.

Tue 1 Oct 2024
7:30 pm
Wigmore Hall
36 Wigmore Street
London Handel Players
Adrian Butterfield director

Hilary Cronin soprano; Daniel Taylor alto;
Charles Daniels tenor; Edward Grint bass;
Rachel Brown flute

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) Cantata, BWV8
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) Cantata, BWV94
Buffardin, Pierre Gabriel (1690-1768) Flute Concerto in E minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) Cantata, BWV114

Information and tickets: Wigmore Hall, London
November 10, 2024
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Trinity-St. Paul's United
Church & Centre for Faith,
Justice and the Arts
427 Bloor Street West
University of Toronto
Historical Performance presents

One World United - Handel's Dixit Dominus

The Choice of Hercules - Dixit Dominus

Meet us at the glorious intersection of sacred music and dance in this inspiring
evening of baroque masterworks.
Presented in collaboration with Compagnie de la
Citadelle and the Theatre of Early Music,
witness the critically acclaimed production choreography that will take your
breath away as the musicians of the Schola Cantorum and the Theatre of Early Music
perform Handel's Dixit Dominus.

The Historical Performance Area makes history once again in offering the first ever
Canadian performance of Handel's stunning one-act dramatic cantata
The Choice of Hercules.
Daniel Taylor follows up his resplendent reconstructions of Handel's
Oratorios and unforgettable performances, this time bringing together
Handel's genius paired with captivating choreography imagined by
Laurence Lemieux in a tribute to the strength and resilience of women.

The Historical Performance concerts are made possible in part by
the generous support of the Milton Harris Early Music Endowment Fund.

This performance is made possible in part by a generous gift
from the Richard Phillips Baroque Oratorio Fund.

Ticket Prices: $40 Adult, $25 Senior, $10 Student.

University of Toronto students with a valid T-Card
are admitted free at the door (space permitting, some exceptions apply).
No ticket reservation necessary.

Information : University of Toronto, Events

Tickets : Royal Conservatory Ticket office


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Previous Engagements for Daniel Taylor / Theatre of Early Music :

Blue background for TEM performance

September 3rd - 5th
University of Toronto
Daniel Taylor conducts auditions for
Opera, Voice and Historical Performance
at the University of Toronto.

Daniel Taylor is the Director of Music Studies,
Head of Historical Performance and Associate Professor
at the University of Toronto.

August 20th - August 28th
SienAgosto Academy 2024
Siena Art Institute in collaboration with the Siena School for Liberal Arts present :
10th SienAgosto Academy 2024
Recitals, Lectures and Masterclasses.

Daniel Taylor joins
Lynn Dawson, Deborah York, Elisabeth Priday, Michael Chance, Ian Partridge
Paul Beier, Giulia Nuti and the Faculty of the SienAgosto Academy 2024

Information : Michael Chance, countertenor
July 20th - 26th
St Mary's Church, Oak Bay
Summer Choral Intensive Program

Daniel Taylor joins Howard Dyck and the faculty of the Sing The North
Summer Choral Intensive Program

Information: Sing The North
July 27th 2024
Christ Church Cathedral
SING THE NORTH Final Concert

Singers gather from July 20-26, and perform a final concert
in beautiful Christ Church Cathedral under the direction of
choral legend HOWARD DYCK

Mozart Requiem and a selection of other choral works.

Karoline Podolak, Susan Platts, Daniel Taylor,
Benjamin Butterfield, and Daniel Okulitch.

Information and tickets: Sing The North
July 15th 2024
7:30 pm
Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond
Closing Gala

Daniel Taylor appears on the closing night of the Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond

Information/tickets : Music and Beyond Festival 2024

July 8th-July 15th
Paris International Music Academy
and Festival
Daniel Taylor will be teaching at
Paris International Music Academy

The Festival offers the public concerts of very high quality,
a series of classical events at emblematic venues in Paris.
These concerts are an opportunity to highlight the best trainees surrounded
by their teachers, and to complete their training with a direct approach
to the stage and its unique sensations.

Teachers, high-level artists of international stature, take part in evening concerts,
which are privileged moments of artistic complicity.
The public Masterclasses are also an important moment of the Festival
where the mysteries of the artistic process are revealed.

The Concerts will be organized between July 9th and 14th, 2024 each day
at various times in order to allow the widest public to spend
a convivial and artistic moment with the Academy, in the heart of Paris.

Access to Concerts and Masterclasses is completely free.
The 2024 Festival program will be posted the web site below.

Information: Paris International Music Academy
July 6th
Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond
Come and Sing with Music and Beyond

Daniel Taylor and others conduct a massed audience choir
at the Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond.

Information/tickets : Music and Beyond Festival 2024

July 5th 2024
7:30 pm
Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond
Opening Gala: Music and Circus

Daniel Taylor appears on the opening night of the Ottawa Festival of Music and Beyond

Information/tickets : Music and Beyond Festival 2024

16 juin au 30 juin
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Daniel Taylor leads the vocal program at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music
for their Baroque Performance Institute summer Programme.

Celebrating 52 Years of BPI:

Join me at the Oberlin Conservatory with famed instructors
Dame Emma Kirkby, James Taylor, Molly Netter and Kenneth Slowik
in one of the finest baroque performance institutes.
They share with the students a deep understanding of historically informed
performance practice based on their own dedicated studies and international
careers that have brought them to the leading stages around the world.
This is an inclusive program that welcomes advanced, pre-professional and
professional musicians while also allowing students from all stages and levels
in their work to explore this magnificent and neglected repertoire.
Masterclasses focus on style and interpretation while individual lessons
and chamber music sessions focus on technique and collaboration.
Lectures include baroque art and ornamentation and are complimented
by an optional continuo class and a dance class. rallentando!

Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Sunday May 26st 2024
at 4:00pm
Eastminster United Church
310 Danforth Av, Toronto, ON M4K 1N6
Located on the north side of Danforth Ave.,
a block west of Chester Station (TTC)
2024 Toronto Bach Festival
How Brightly Shines

The Toronto Bach Festival Orchestra
Directed by John Abberger

Gott, sende dein Licht
Johann Schelle

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
Johann Kuhnau

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1
Es wartet alles auf dich, BWV 187
Johann Sebastian Bach

Yeree Suh and Sinéad White, sopranos
Daniel Taylor and Nicholas Burns, altos
Charles Daniels and Shane Hanson, tenors
Jesse Blumberg and Martin Gomes, basses

Information/ Season passes and single tickets :
Toronto Bach Festival
March 25th, 2024,
St. Paul's Basilica, 83 Power St
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space

Allegri Miserere

Daniel Taylor directs music written for the Sistine Chapel

With the Schola Cantorum and the
Choir of the Theatre of Early Music

Free Admission: Donations will be dedicated to
the Historical Performance and Scholarship Fund.

Information : U of Toronto Events

March 22nd, 2024,
Saugeen Academy
381 10th St, Hanover
ON N4N 1P7

March 23rd
St. Paul's United Church
29 Park St. W., Dundas
ON, L9H 1X3

March 24th 2024
First United Church
16 William St. W, Waterloo
ON N2L 1J3

Handel's Messiah

Daniel Taylor appears as soloist in Handel's Messiah on tour
in Ontario with the Nota Bene Players & Singers,
Conductor and Artistic Director, Howard Dyck,

Information/tickets : Events in Waterloo

General Admission - $40
Students & Children - Free

March 10th 2024
New York, USA
Daniel Taylor sings a private recital in New York.

March 3rd, 2024,
St. Paul's United Church and
Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts
427 Bloor St West
An Ode To James Bowman.

Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb
Purcell - Comes Ye Sons of Art

Theatre of Early Music in collaboration with Historical Performance at
the University of Toronto is proud to present this program that will honour
the life, artistry and impact made by legendary countertenor
James Bowman (1941-2023)
One of the most important figures in 20th century classical music,
Bowman ushered in the Early Music revival.

Dame Emma Kirkby, Charles Daniels and Joel Allison
will help us celebrate this great artist!

Daniel Taylor directs the Schola Cantorum with the
Musicians of the Theatre of Early Music

Free Admission: Donations will be dedicated to
the Historical Performance and Scholarship Fund.

Information : U of Toronto Events

February 19th - 23th
University of Toronto
Daniel Taylor conducts auditions for
Opera, Voice and Historical Performance
at the University of Toronto.

Daniel Taylor is the Director of Music Studies,
Head of Historical Performance and Associate Professor
at the University of Toronto.

February 11th-13th
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Daniel Taylor sings a series of private recitals
in Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands

January 28th 2024
Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
355 Cooper Street
The State Funeral for the Honourable Edward Broadbent

Daniel Taylor and The Choir of the Theatre Of Early Music
are invited by the prime Minister, Justin Trudeau,
to perform with members of the NAC orchestra
at this prestigious event

December 9th
Daniel Taylor
Private Recital
December 7th 2023
Théâtre Alphonse-Desjardins
25 Allée de la Création
Québec J6A 0C2
Handel’s Messiah

L’Harmonie des saisons

Mélisande Corriveau, artistic director

Eric Milnes, musical director

Soloists :

Denise Torre Ormeño, soprano
Daniel Taylor, alto
Philippe Gagné, tenor
Sumner Thompson, bass

Information and tickets : Aramusique

Saturday, December 2nd
St. Matthew's Church
130 Glebe Avenue
The Ottawa Bach Choir
Artistic Director: Lisette Canton
presents :

4 Magnificats

Magnificat of Jan Dismas Zelenka, Heinriech Biber and Isabella Leonarda,
culminating with the original version by Johann Sebastian Bach,
composed for his first Christmas in Leipzig in 1723.

Also included is the virtuosic cantata for soprano
and trumpet, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51.

The baroque orchestra of The Theatre of Early Music
joins the choir along with soloists from the choir and invited soloists:

Myriam Leblanc, soprano
Daniel Taylor, countertenor
Owen McCausland, tenor
Alex Dobson, bass

Information and tickets : Ottawa Bach Choir

Tickets $20 to $55
November 28th
New York
Daniel Taylor
Private Recital
August 25th - September 2nd
SienAgosto Academy 2023
Siena Art Institute in collaboration with the Siena School for Liberal Arts present :
SienAgosto Academy 2023
Recitals, Lectures and Masterclasses.

Daniel Taylor joins
Lynn Dawson, Deborah York, Elisabeth Priday, Michael Chance, Ian Partridge
Paul Beier, Giulia Nuti and the Faculty of the SienAgosto Academy 2023

Information : Michael Chance, countertenor
August 7th - 20th, 2023
Festival and Mastercourse
Musiktage am Rhein
Neuwied - Engers am Rhein
Festival and Mastercourse, Musiktage am Rhein

Join us for an exciting experience full of thrilling concerts and most inspiring masterclasses..

Daniel Taylor joins his long time friend Daniel Lichti
teaching and performing in Neuwied - Engers am Rhein

From August 9th to 19th free concerts will be offered to the public,
including one featuring these Canadian teachers on August 12th at 4.00pm.
in the Market Church in Neuwied, Pfarrer-Werner-Mörchen-Strasse 1, 56564 Neuwied

Information: Musiktage am Rhein
July 22nd-July 30th
Paris International Music Academy
and Festival
Daniel Taylor and Daniel Lichti will be teaching at
Paris International Music Academy

The Festival offers the public concerts of very high quality, in prestigious places.
These concerts are an opportunity to highlight the best trainees surrounded
by their teachers, and to complete their training with a direct approach
to the stage and its unique sensations.

Teachers, high-level artists of international stature, take part in evening concerts,
which are privileged moments of artistic complicity.
The public Masterclasses are also an important moment of the Festival
where the mysteries of the artistic process are revealed.

The Concerts will be organized between July 25th and 30th, 2022, each day, at noon,
in the afternoon and in the early evening, in order to allow the widest public to spend
a convivial and artistic moment with the Academy, in the heart of Paris.

Access to Concerts and Masterclasses is completely free.
The 2023 Festival program will be posted the web site below in May 2023.

Information: Paris International Music Academy
June 18th-July 2nd
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Daniel Taylor has been asked to Direct the Vocal Program
at the Oberlin Conservatory for their
Baroque Performance Institute summer Programme.

Celebrating 51 Years of BPI:

Faculty includes: Molly Netter, Dame Emma Kirkby and James Taylor

Information: Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Sunday May 28st 2023
at 4:00pm
Eastminster United Church
310 Danforth Av, Toronto, ON M4K 1N6
Located on the north side of Danforth Ave.,
a block west of Chester Station (TTC)
Toronto Bach Festival
J S Bach : Leipzig Cantatas

The Toronto Bach Festival Orchestra
Directed by John Abberger

Featuring Ellen McAteer and Sinéad White, sopranos
Daniel Taylor and Nicholas Burns, altos
James Gilchrist and Cory Knight, tenors
Jonathon Adams and Adam Kuiack, basses
The Toronto Bach Festival Orchestra

Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75
Die Himmel erzähen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76

Information / Passes and single tickets :
Toronto Bach Festival
April 5th 2023
at 7:30pm
Wigmore Hall
The London Wigmore Hall presents
The London Handel Players,
Artistic Director Adrian Butterfield

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Christ lag in Todesbanden BWV4
Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr BWV131


Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773)
Flute Concerto No. 256 in A

Johann Sebastian Bach
Jesu, der du meine Seele BWV78

Soloists :
Rachel Brown, flute
Rowan Pierce, soprano
Daniel Taylor, countertenor
Charles Daniels, tenor
Jerome Knox, bass

Information and Tickets: Wigmore Hall, London

April 4th 2023
at 7:30pm
St. Mary the Virgin Church
Canterbury Road
Canterbury CT3 1BB
Wingham International Concert Series presents
The London Handel Players,
Artistic Director Adrian Butterfield

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Christ lag in Todesbanden BWV4
Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr BWV131


Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773)
Flute Concerto No. 256 in A

Johann Sebastian Bach
Jesu, der du meine Seele BWV78

Soloists :
Rachel Brown, flute
Rowan Pierce, soprano
Daniel Taylor, countertenor
Charles Daniels, tenor
Jerome Knox, bass

Information and Tickets:

April 1st - 3rd
Daniel Taylor conducts Masterclasses and attends rehearsals in the UK

March 26th 2023
at 4:00pm
First Presbyterian Church
2344 Center Street,

Pennsylvania 18017
The Bach Choir of Bethlehem and the Bach Festival Orchestra
present their Spring Concert :

J.S. Bach’s Easter Oratorio
and Part Three of Handel’s Messiah.

Soloists :
Sherezade Panthaki, soprano
Daniel Taylor, counter-tenor
Isaiah Bell, tenor
and Harrison Hintzsche, baritone

The Bethlehem Bach Choir
Conductor: Dr. Christopher Jackson

Information : Bethlehem Bach Choir

Tickets : Bethlehem Bach Choir Tickets

March 5th
St Patrick's Church
131 McCaul St, Toronto
M5T 1W3 Canada
Historical Performance at the University of Toronto
in collaboration with the Theatre of Early Music and Taflemusik present:
Handel’s rarely performed choral masterpiece

With tenor Owen McCausland in the titular role
along with artists of the Schola Cantorum.
TEM and Taflemusik musicians led by
UK violinist, Adrian Butterfield

Conductor: Daniel Taylor

Information and tickets : Royal College of Music Events

Thursday, March 2, 2023
TD Music Hall
Allied Music Centre
178 Victoria St, M5B 1T7
The Theatre of Early Music presents
Love, Beauty and Death in Venice - A Baroque Pasticcio
under the direction of Daniel Taylor

This 80-minute concert will be offered without intermission.

This is the first collaboration between
Historical Performance at University of Toronto
and Opera McGill, director P J Hansen.

The young starry line-up includes :
Nicholas Burns, Jane Fingler, Peter Koniers, Owen McCauslands
Ryan Patrick McDonald, Nicholas Murphy, Karis Tees, Christina Thanisch-Smith
Mala Weissberg, Sinéad White, Jenn Wilson, Patricia Yates
with the legendary Ben Heppner.

Tickets : Massey Hall Events

February 21st - 25th
University of Toronto
Daniel Taylor conducts Auditions in Opera, Voice and Historical Performance
at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto

Daniel Taylor is Head of Historical Performance, Professor of Voice/Opera.

February 16th
3.30pm - 4.30pm
University of Toronto
Masterclass with The King’s Singers

Daniel Taylor has invited the famed ensemble, The King’s Singers,
to offer a workshop for his U of T students
before singing in their concert in Koerner Hall at 8.00pm


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